September is a great month to help your lawn recover from the long summer and prepare for the winter months ahead. As grass goes into a dormant phase, the weak points in your lawn become evident. Localized dry spots, bare patches and areas of extreme compaction are revealed. Core aeration, seeding or dethatching are natural treatments to improve the health of your lawn. 

Dry spots and bare patches are symptoms of excessive thatch and soil compaction. Thatch is the thin layer of decomposing grass on the soil surface. Thatch slows water runoff, provides protection for the root system by shading the plant and holds moisture against the soil surface. Too much thatch is a very bad thing. If clippings aren’t finely mulched or grass growth exceeds the rate of decomposition, thatch builds up. Water and fertilizers cannot penetrate this thick layer and grass is damaged.

Soil compaction also prevents the proper filtration of nutrients. Especially in high traffic areas, soil is crushed tight. Without the proper pockets of air, water sits on the soil surface or simply runs off. Both conditions result in bare patches.

The simplest solution for all these problems is core aeration. Core aerators puncture the soil surface and pull small cores every few inches. The resulting holes deliver water, nutrients and air into the soil. The roots system is strengthened and grows deeper. Deep root systems withstand harsh winters and a natural cycle of annual health ensues.

If your lawn is covered with excessive thatch and bare patches, you may need to dethatch and overseed. Dethatching is a process of raking (either by hand or with a mechanical rake) and removing the excess thatch from your lawn. While a mechanical rake quickly separates thatch from the soil surface, bagging all of the excess thatch is grueling work. Overseeding slices small furrows into the soil and deposits grass seed across your lawn. Both of these practices are extreme measures for major problems.

We rent aerators for $95 daily or $65 for a 4 hour window. If you are curious about renting one of our aerators, please call soon as our schedule will quickly fill for the fall.

Sometimes, these chores are best left to professionals. Most lawncare professionals offer aeration services. Locally, we have partnered with Joshua Russ from I Cut Grass to offer complete aeration services. Call him at 317-523-7750 or visit his website