Spring is a stressful time on lawnmowers. Grass grows fast and thick. We have 4 easy maintenance videos to improve the health of your lawnmower and prevent breakdown.

Replace Air Filter

Maybe the most easy step is the most important, replace the air filter. Dirt, grass clippings and other debris clog the air filter. Changing the filter doesn’t even require tools on most engines:

Replace Blades

Replacing blades reduces stress on the engine, belts and cuts cleanly through thick spring grass. Honda, Toro and many other brands are easily replaced with a socket wrench and little elbow grease. Most manufacturers recommend replacing blades annually and sharpened every 8-12 hours of operation. Just like air filters, you can search our site to find your blade or visit our store for sharpening services.

How to Toro

How to Honda

Change Engine Oil

Oil changes are so simple and easy to do in the spring. I have videos for Honda and Toro. Almost every brand of engine can be changed using these methods.

How To Honda

How To Toro

Fresh Fuel

If gasoline has been sitting in your container all winter, dispose of the fuel and start with fresh gasoline for your lawnmower. I always add older fuel to my car in the spring. I also try to purchase only 2-3 weeks worth of fuel for my lawnmower.

For a detailed article with more complete instructions on removing lawnmowers from storage, read more posts:

Removing Your Mower from Storage

Toro Recycler and Super Recycler Tune Up Instructions

Honda Tune Up Instructions